
Strength or Skipping Childhood?

She asked from the window, "Is this library, miss?" One of the teacher and I was inside the library and the teacher said it is. "Can I come in and look at the library?" she asked. She was a young girl, holding a little baby. The teacher said she can come in the library, and she entered. She lived some few houses above the school and was there today to collect scholarship fee of her brother-in-law, who was in class 3. The teacher whom I was with asked to look at the baby and took the baby. While the teacher was looking at the baby, she was walking all around library looking at different books. The 2 months young baby was so small, but cute. The baby was coughing and had a little problem breathing. The mother, took out a book from the shelf and started reading. Amazed by it, I wanted to know more about her. A girl of class seven, fell in love with a boy and they got married. The girl was just 15. She came to live with the boy in his village. The boy had no par

How is Lamjung?

I could hear the sound of Marshyangdi river in the silent night before I sleep and wake up to a beautiful view of Annapurna. It's not been more than 2 months that I am here and there has been two rapes and a murder near this place. A cheetah entered our village in the middle of the night and scratched a goat. ( Just scratch, coul dn't take it away ) This is the place I live in, Badagaun, Lamjung. And I am currently teaching in one of the community school of Marshyangdi gaupalika. Well, people here and people from other different places ask me how Lamjung is and how I've been doing. It's either to please the people here or make the people of other places feel jealous, I say Lamjung is good. Ramro cha. Ramailo cha. But it's not the ramro or ramailo I care about. All I want is my children to get more exposure to the real world and increase their quality of education. However, this place has been a mixed feeling to me. Sometimes it's like all WOW! I love this pl

The Lost Umbrella

It was drizzling since the early morning. I was all set to go to college to submit my report. So, I walked out of my home with all the papers and my mom's blue umbrella which was used for the first time. Either it was the rush to reach college ( I was getting late ) or the rain, I didn't notice the patterns of the umbrella. ☔ I reached the college in between the break of CMAT interview and showed my papers to the supervisor. But I needed to reprint some few papers so, I went outside leaving all my papers and umbrella, thinking it would take few minutes to reprint. But when I went out, I came to know that it would take more time. I rushed back to college to collect all my papers that I had left in the interview room. The interview was about to start and  the students to-be-admitted were there. I collected the paper and walked out. When I reached outside, it started raining again and I realized that I left my umbrella in the room. So, I went back inside the college, but t

Hello World!

Well that's what I found in one of the suggestion to start up the first blog. (Yea I searched, cause Hello! I am new.) 💁 So, I've finally decided to start up my blog, after lots and lots of to write or not to write, cause I don't know much about it. I am looking forward to share my part of life with you.😊 You can find my life stories, motivations to help us hustle harder, random thoughts, some suggestions along with pictures and emojis 😉 in this blog.  I hope to keep it updated and hope you will enjoy it. See ya again next time. Till then lots of love 💖 -Utsha The diyo in this picture is for the celebration of starting a blog and the tangled lights all around shows "Life is Tangled". ( most of the times ) 😉