The Lost Umbrella

It was drizzling since the early morning. I was all set to go to college to submit my report. So, I walked out of my home with all the papers and my mom's blue umbrella which was used for the first time. Either it was the rush to reach college (I was getting late) or the rain, I didn't notice the patterns of the umbrella. ☔
I reached the college in between the break of CMAT interview and showed my papers to the supervisor. But I needed to reprint some few papers so, I went outside leaving all my papers and umbrella, thinking it would take few minutes to reprint. But when I went out, I came to know that it would take more time. I rushed back to college to collect all my papers that I had left in the interview room. The interview was about to start and  the students to-be-admitted were there. I collected the paper and walked out.
When I reached outside, it started raining again and I realized that I left my umbrella in the room. So, I went back inside the college, but the interview was going on in the room. I asked the collegeboy to get my umbrella from inside the room. He went in and the interview stopped for a bit. From inside the room, he showed me 3 umbrellas. I was standing at the door, the interviewers were looking at me, and I was looking at those umbrellas, all confused, thinking which was mine. It was so confusing and embarrassing as the interview stopped because of me. I said none was my umbrella and walked out the door. I felt like everybody was looking at me at the moment.😕 (Ugh! Or maybe they were)
I looked around a saw a blue umbrella laying on the floor near the office's door, and I picked it up and went outside the college. My friend (Avesa) saw me coming and said the umbrella wasn't mine. I looked at the umbrella, an old rusted blue umbrella with faded patterns. 🌂
I was too embarrassed to go inside again, so I went home.
 Next morning, I was at the college again. (No interviews that day) and I was sitting in the office when I saw a new blue umbrella in the bench in front of me. I thought maybe this was the one, and kept that in my bag.
I reached home and showed my mom I found the lost umbrella. But again, this was the wrong umbrella.
So, now I have two umbrella and none of them are mine (or my mom's). Maybe yours??? Have you lost your blue umbrella?? 😉
I hope the umbrella is with my Ted Mosbey and we would meet someday under that umbrella. (If i remember the patterns) Or maybe my Ted Mosbey would meet me under his umbrella. 😉😉
Next morning, my dad was asking me if I am going out again to get another umbrella, and when am I going to open the umbrella store. ☂


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