Strength or Skipping Childhood?

She asked from the window, "Is this library, miss?"
One of the teacher and I was inside the library and the teacher said it is.
"Can I come in and look at the library?" she asked.
She was a young girl, holding a little baby.
The teacher said she can come in the library, and she entered. She lived some few houses above the school and was there today to collect scholarship fee of her brother-in-law, who was in class 3.
The teacher whom I was with asked to look at the baby and took the baby. While the teacher was looking at the baby, she was walking all around library looking at different books.
The 2 months young baby was so small, but cute. The baby was coughing and had a little problem breathing.
The mother, took out a book from the shelf and started reading. Amazed by it, I wanted to know more about her.
A girl of class seven, fell in love with a boy and they got married. The girl was just 15. She came to live with the boy in his village. The boy had no parents, but a little brother and a broken home. The girl eventually got pregnant at that age.
I wonder what some people think of marriage? A fun event? Don't they worry about their future, commitments, relationships, families and few things that I am sometimes even scared to write.
However, nine months later, she had a baby. At the age when she was growing up and not being able to properly take care of herself, she had to take care of a baby. Her husband, works for whatever he gets, and it's heard that he beats her sometimes. They even has days when the don't have anything to eat.
A baby, a little brother-in-law, a jobless husband and a household, she manages.
Am I supposed to think that she has strength or she wanted to skip her childhood?
